A Masterpiece: Harvest, by Neil Young

I was looking for some music to listen to while working somethings out over Hangouts with Tyler, from Musicblip and Dev3lop, andI just got to listen to this record again after a few years I heard it the first time.
It just ages so well and grows with you!

The cover of "Harvest", by Neyl Young

Every little detail is golden: from the very intimate vocals to all of the small imperfections and noises that were embraced in such a way that made it so alive and real.
My favourite song by far is "Harvest". I love the arrangement, the vocals and the sheer groove of the song. It's pouring so much emotion out, that makes you want to be in there, in the room where the recording was made.
The album is, in a sense, much like "The Little Prince", by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry. Every time you give it another go, you find something new, another perspective, another story. It matures with you.
Thank you Neil Young for this Masterpiece.


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